Blue Growth Blue Growth
Climate Change and Energy Climate Change and Energy
Real Estate Development Real Estate Development
Inclusive Green Economy Inclusive Green Economy


Project Title Specialization Sector Provided Services Country Year Project Status
SOSEDEE - Provision of Support Services for the Management & Meetings of the SOSEDEE project (D.1.2.2 Project Management & Project Meetings in the framework of WP1 “Project Management and Coordination”) funded by the INTERREG V-A Greece Bulgaria 2014 -2020 Programme. Inclusive Green Economy Culture & Society, Innovation & Competitiveness Consulting Services Bulgaria, Greece 2018 In progress
Elaboration of Feasibility Study - Provision of Support Services for the Elaboration of a Feasibility Study titled “Phase B of the construction of a tourist vessel shelter in Spilia within the area of the old port of Corfu, S. Corfu” Blue Growth, Real Estate Development Maritime & Ports Assessments - Research, Consulting Services Greece 2017 Successfully finished
Flisvos Marina - Assessment Report of GHG Emissions Climate Change and Energy Maritime & Ports Assessments - Research Greece 2017 In progress
CAI - Provision of Support Services for the CAI – Citizen Artist Incubator project funded by the Creative Europe – Culture 2014-2020 Programme Culture & Society Consulting Services, Education - Information, Networking Actions Austria, Greece, Netherlands, United Kingdom 2017 Successfully finished
MED TEESCHOOLS - Transferring Energy Efficiency in Mediterranean SCHOOLS Climate Change and Energy Culture & Society, Urban Environment Assessments - Research, Education - Information, Policy Formulation Support Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Cyprus, France, Greece, Italy, Spain 2017 In progress
Provision of Services to support the participation to Green – Awards @ Life Information Day (May 29th – June 2nd 2017) and the event organized by the Green Fund for the 25 years of the LIFE Programme on May 18th, 2017 for the promotion of the Adapt2Change project. - Provision of Services to support the participation to Green – Awards @ Life Information Day (May 29th – June 2nd 2017) and the event organized by the Green Fund for the 25 years of the LIFE Programme on May 18th, 2017 for the promotion of the Adapt2Change project. Climate Change and Energy, Inclusive Green Economy Agriculture & Food, Innovation & Competitiveness, Maritime & Ports Education - Information, Networking Actions Belgium, Greece 2017 Successfully finished
MED PROteuS - Provision of support services for the implementation of the project «PROmoting security and safeTy by crEating a MED clUster on Maritime Surveillance» of the INTERREG MED 2014-2020 programme. Blue Growth Innovation & Competitiveness, Maritime & Ports Assessments - Research, Consulting Services, Networking Actions Cyprus, France, Greece, Italy, Portugal, Spain 2017 In progress
MED PELAGOS - Provision of services for the implementation of the project Promoting innovative nEtworks and cLusters for mArine renewable energy synergies in medterranean cOasts and iSlands / PELAGOS of the INTERREG MED 2014-2020 programme Blue Growth, Climate Change and Energy Innovation & Competitiveness, Maritime & Ports Assessments - Research, Consulting Services, Networking Actions Croatia, Cyprus, France, Greece, Italy, Portugal, Spain 2017 In progress
MED CO-EVOLVE - Management and Coordination (WP 1) for the implementation of the project “Promoting the co-evolution of human activities and natural systems for the development of sustainable coastal and maritime tourism/CO-EVOLVE” of the INTERREG MED 2014-2020 programme. Inclusive Green Economy Culture & Society, Tourism Industry, Urban Environment Consulting Services Croatia, France, Greece, Italy, Spain 2017 In progress
MED Blue Islands - Provision of consulting services for the Overall Project Management of the Blue Islands project in the framework of the INTERREG MED 2014-2020 programme. Inclusive Green Economy Culture & Society, Tourism Industry Belgium, Croatia, Cyprus, France, Greece, Italy, Spain 2017 In progress
POSEIDON MED II - Provision of Scientific – Technical Consulting Services for the Management and Implementation of the “POSEIDON MED II” project funded by the Connecting Europe Facility Programme. Blue Growth, Climate Change and Energy Maritime & Ports Assessments - Research, Consulting Services Greece 2017 In progress
MEDNETA - Evaluation of the project ENPI Med "MEDNETA", focusing on the quality related to general and specific project objectives as well as the level of success of the implemented WP2, WP3, WP4, WP5, WP6, WP7, WP8 and their final deliverables. Cross – cutting, Culture & Society Consulting Services Greece 2016 Successfully finished
EASEA-WAY - "Selection of Technical Support Consultant for the implementation of ''EASEA-WAY" project, in the context of IPA ADRIATIC 2007-2013» Blue Growth Maritime & Ports Assessments - Research, Consulting Services Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Greece, Italy, Montenegro, Serbia, Slovenia 2016 Successfully finished
Imerolia - "Elaboration of a brief investment plan and a letter of interest for the valorisation of the port of Imerolia" Real Estate Development Tourism Industry Assessments - Research, Consulting Services Greece, Russian Federation 2016 Successfully finished
CARICA - Provision of management and technical implementation services for the CARICA project of the programme IPA Adriatic CBC 2007-2013 Blue Growth Maritime & Ports Assessments - Research, Consulting Services, Policy Formulation Support Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Greece, Italy, Montenegro, Slovenia 2016 Successfully finished
CAI - Management and Communication Services for the CAI – Citizen Artist Incubator project of the CreativeEurope 2014-2020 programme Culture & Society Assessments - Research, Consulting Services, Networking Actions Austria, Greece, Netherlands, United Kingdom 2016 Successfully finished
JOYNEET - Provision of Event Planning and Support Services for the Final Event of the JOYNEET project of the Europe for Citizens programme 2014-2020 and accompanying actions according to the foreseen agenda. Culture & Society Education - Information, Networking Actions Bulgaria, Croatia, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Latvia, Malta, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Spain, United Kingdom 2016 Successfully finished
ADRIATinn - Provision of Technical Support to the Municipality of Corfu for the Implementation of the ADRIATinn project of the IPA Adriatic 2007-2013 programme Innovation & Competitiveness Assessments - Research Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Greece, Italy, Montenegro, Serbia, Slovenia 2016 Successfully finished
Municipality of Prespes - Elaboration of a plan of agri-environment measures with a view based on articles 28 and 30 of the EU regulation 1305/2013 in the region of the Municipality of Prespes Inclusive Green Economy Agriculture & Food Assessments - Research, Consulting Services, Education - Information, Networking Actions, Policy Formulation Support Greece 2016 Successfully finished
SMARTBUILT - Provision of support services for the implementation of the SmartBuilt project funded under the Interreg Greece-Italy 2007-2013 Programme. Real Estate Development Culture & Society Consulting Services, Education - Information Greece, Italy 2015 Successfully finished
ARGES - Provision of external consulting services to Patras Port Authority S.A. for the implementation of ARGES project funded under the European Territorial Cooperation Programme, Greece – Italy 2007-2013. Blue Growth Maritime & Ports Consulting Services, Education - Information, Networking Actions Greece 2015 Successfully finished
ARGES - Provision of Support Services to Patras Port Authority S.A for the implementation of Action 2.1 “Project Communication Management”. for the implementation of ARGES project funded under the European Territorial Cooperation Programme, Greece – Italy 2007-2013. Blue Growth Maritime & Ports Consulting Services, Education - Information, Networking Actions Greece 2015 Successfully finished
ARGES - Provision of Support Services to Patras Port Authority S.A for the implementation of Action 2.2 “Events (Kick-off and Final), Press Conferences and Participation to International Fairs”. for the implementation of ARGES project funded under the European Territorial Cooperation Programme, Greece – Italy 2007-2013. Blue Growth Maritime & Ports Consulting Services, Education - Information, Networking Actions Greece 2015 Successfully finished
EASYCONNECTING - Provision of Support Services for the elaboration of a Feasibility Study for the improvement of freight transport services moving across borders elaborated under the EASYCONNECTING project funded by the IPA Adriatic 2007 -2013 Programme. Blue Growth Maritime & Ports Assessments - Research Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Greece, Italy, Montenegro, Serbia, Slovenia 2015 Successfully finished
AdriFort - Provision of supporting services to Municipality of Corfu for the implementation of a subproject in the context of the Project ADRIFORT (Adriatic fortresses and military areas) of the European Territorial Cooperation Programme IPA ADRIATIC 2007-2013. Real Estate Development Culture & Society Assessments - Research, Consulting Services, Education - Information, Networking Actions, Policy Formulation Support Albania, Croatia, Greece, Italy, Montenegro 2015 Successfully finished
SWITCH – ASIA II - Provision of consulting services in the assessment of the project proposals submitted under the closed call for the programme SWITCH – Asia II 2014 Inclusive Green Economy Agriculture & Food, Industry, Urban Environment Consulting Services 2015 Successfully finished
CUTS - Provision of technical support for the implementation of the action 1.3 "Project Management" of CUTS project implemented by the Municipality of Corfu in the context of the European Territorial Cooperation Programme Greece-Italy 2007-2013. Climate Change and Energy Culture & Society, Innovation & Competitiveness, Urban Environment Education - Information Greece, Italy 2015 Successfully finished
EASYCONNECTING - Provision of technical support services to OLKE S.A. for the implementation of WP 7, "For the development of intermodal centres in the PAO area” Blue Growth Maritime & Ports Assessments - Research Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Greece, Italy, Montenegro, Serbia, Slovenia 2015 Successfully finished
adapt2change - Technical support in the monitoring, management, coordination and completion of the EU co-funded project LIFE09/ENV/GR/000296 Climate Change and Energy Agriculture & Food Consulting Services Cyprus, Greece 2015 Successfully finished
Smartculture - Provide technical consultancy services for the implementation of project actions 3.1 and 3.3 “SMARTCUL2RE – Valorization of new media for the promotion and enhancement of cultural resources in the cross – border area” Culture & Society Networking Actions Greece 2014 Successfully finished
Bioolea - Participation in the implementation and support of Action 2.1 "Promotion" listed under WP 2 "Information and Publicity" of BIOOLEA Project – “Utilization of biophenols from Olea Europea products-Olives, virgin olive oil and olive mill waste water” Inclusive Green Economy Agriculture & Food Consulting Services Greece 2014 Successfully finished
Bioolea - Provision of Support services for the implementation of Action: 2.2 "Workshop for technology transfer of the project methodology," Action: 2.4 "Seminar for the diffusion of results to producers" and Action: 2.5 "Co-organization of the final conference" listed under WP 2 "Information and Publicity" of the "BIOOLEA Project – Utilization of biophenols from Olea Europea Products - Olives, virgin olive oil and olive mill waste water” Inclusive Green Economy Agriculture & Food Consulting Services Greece 2014 Successfully finished
Imerolia - Provision of services for the clarification of the conditions under which the Imerolia Port, which is located on the northeast side of Corfu, may be granted to private investors. Real Estate Development Maritime & Ports, Tourism Industry Assessments - Research, Consulting Services Greece, Russian Federation 2014 Successfully finished
Europeaid - Provision of consulting services in the context of "Technical Assistance for the Evaluation Committee of IPA 2010 Sustainable Civil Society" Project. Inclusive Green Economy Cross – cutting Consulting Services Belgium 2014 Successfully finished
STAR - Consulting services for the implementation of the " Statistical networks in tourism sector of Adriatic Region” funded under the European Territorial Cooperation Programme" IPA ADRIATIC 2007-2013" Tourism Industry Consulting Services Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Greece, Italy 2014 Successfully finished
EASYCONNECTING - Provision of project management services for the Europe-Adriatic Easy-Way Freight «EasyConnecting» Project funded under the IPA Adriatic 2007 -2013Programme. Blue Growth Maritime & Ports Consulting Services Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Greece, Montenegro, Serbia, Slovenia 2014 Successfully finished
TPNM - Providing support services in the implementation of the project “Tourist Promotion to New Markets -TPNM” Inclusive Green Economy Tourism Industry Consulting Services Greece 2014 Successfully finished
Smartculture - Provide technical consultancy services for the implementation of project activities "SMARTCUL2RE - Valorization of new media for the promotion and enhancement of cultural resources in the cross - border area" Support implementation deliverables 2.1, 2.2 and 3.3 Culture & Society Networking Actions Greece 2014 Successfully finished
Energein - Provision of consulting services for the implementation of the Action Plan for the Sustainable Energy Development of Cyprus in the context of “ENERGEIN” project. Climate Change and Energy Urban Environment Assessments - Research, Policy Formulation Support Cyprus 2014 Successfully finished
No Borders for Good Management - Assessment on the good practices applied on small and medium hotels Culture & Society Consulting Services, Networking Actions Bulgaria 2014 Successfully finished
Bioolea - Provision of consulting services for the implementation of the following Actions: 1.2. “Coordination and project meetings”, 1.3 “Project management (progress reports)” listed under Work Package 1 “Project Management and Coordination” of the BIOOLEA project – “Utilization of biophenols from Olea Europea products - Olives, virgin olive oil and olive mill waste water” Inclusive Green Economy Agriculture & Food Consulting Services Greece, Italy 2013 Successfully finished
IPA - Advisory services for the evaluation of project proposals submitted under the Call "Civil Society Grant Schemes Based on Standardized assessment Criteria", funded by the European Commission, IPA 2011. Inclusive Green Economy Innovation & Competitiveness Consulting Services Croatia 2013 Successfully finished
CoR - Framework Contract with Committee of the Regions – CoR for the constitution of a policy experts network for a. Rural development, b. Health, c. Shipping Blue Growth, Inclusive Green Economy Cross – cutting Assessments - Research Belgium 2013 In progress
Adri-Seaplanes - Provision of services for the implementation of a Seaplanes System in the Adriatic Basin (Adri-Seaplanes project) - Provision of external consulting services (project management, communication and technical expertise) to the Region of Ionian Islands (IPA Adriatic CBC Programme 2007-2013) Blue Growth Maritime & Ports Assessments - Research, Consulting Services, Education - Information, Networking Actions, Policy Formulation Support Albania, Croatia, Greece, Italy, Montenegro 2013 Successfully finished
ISCI - Provision of communication services and organization of events - meetings - for the project "ISCI - Innovative Services to Strengthen Cooperation and Internationalization between SMEs in the field of Agro-food industry" funded under the European Territorial Cooperation Programme GREECE-ITALY 2007-13, co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund. Inclusive Green Economy Innovation & Competitiveness Networking Actions Greece 2013 Successfully finished
SoilPro - «Provision of technical, legal and consulting services for the preparation of a soil protection policy and intervention plan in selected areas of the region of Peloponnese under the LIFE + SOILPRO Project “Monitoring for Soil Protection”. Climate Change and Energy Agriculture & Food Assessments - Research, Policy Formulation Support Greece 2013 Successfully finished
Ypeka - Provision of external consulting services to the Ministry of Environment, Energy and Climate Change in the context of the project “Technical Support Consultant for planning, coordination, supervision and maturity of the actions required for the issue of regulations for the implementation of Law 4014/2011 on environmental licensing and other regulations of environmental legislation”. Inclusive Green Economy Cross – cutting Consulting Services Greece 2012 Successfully finished
Greenhouses - Supply and installation of Standard Greenhouse Units Climate Change and Energy Agriculture & Food Assessments - Research Cyprus 2012 Successfully finished
CiELo - Provision of external consulting services to Corfu Municipality sole shareholder to support the administration and implementation of CiELo action in accordance with the Interreg Programme Greece-Italy 2007-2013 which is related with the elaboration a sustainable development plan of routes for environmentally friendly vehicles and 'Park and Ride' services Real Estate Development Urban Environment Assessments - Research Greece, Italy 2012 Successfully finished
ELOT 1435 - Elaboration of the assessment “Assessment for the operation of a Management Capacity System in TerraEditions Company - ANAGNOSTAKOS according to ELOT 1435" Innovation & Competitiveness Consulting Services Greece 2011 Successfully finished
Theodosiadis - Provision of Support services for the reception of the certification of management capacity Innovation & Competitiveness Consulting Services Greece 2011 Successfully finished
Therapeutirio - Provision of Support services for the reception of the certification of management capacity of Chronic Disease Hospital of West Athens. Innovation & Competitiveness Consulting Services Greece 2011 Successfully finished
Adapt2change - Provision of services for the monitoring, management and coordination of co-financed LIFE09 / ENV / GR / 000296 "Adapting Agricultural Production to climate change and limited Water Supply" project. Climate Change and Energy Agriculture & Food Consulting Services Cyprus, Greece 2011 Successfully finished
Regioclima - Provision of external expertise services within the REGIOCLIMA project, for thedevelopment of an Action plan for the implementation of best practices and elaboration of a Strategy for the Climate Change Adaptation. Climate Change and Energy Urban Environment Policy Formulation Support Bulgaria, Cyprus, Estonia, France, Italy, Slovakia, Spain 2011 Successfully finished
Regioclima - Provision of services for the implementation of the REGIOCLIMA project for the coordination of the Work Package “Policy Formation”. Climate Change and Energy Urban Environment Policy Formulation Support Bulgaria, Cyprus, Estonia, France, Italy, Slovakia, Spain 2010 Successfully finished
UNEP - Preparation of the progress report aiming to support the elaboration of a 10-Year Framework of Programmes for Sustainable Consumption and Production (SCP) Inclusive Green Economy Cross – cutting Policy Formulation Support France, Sweden 2010 Successfully finished
SoilPro - Provision of services for the management of the 'SOILPRO' project funded under the LIFE + Programme, focusin on the monitoring of the quality of soils having as partners the the Consiglio per la Ricerca e Sperimentazione in Agricoltura, Italy (Coordinating beneficiary), the Region of Peloponnese, the Sicily Regions and the University of Athens. Climate Change and Energy Agriculture & Food Consulting Services Greece, Italy 2010 Successfully finished
Switch - International workshops for the SWITCH-Asia Networking Event in Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia). Inclusive Green Economy Cross – cutting Networking Actions Germany, Malaysia 2009 In progress
Adrion - Technical Assistance for the management of the ADRION project funded under Interreg IIIA Greece-Italy Blue Growth Maritime & Ports Assessments - Research, Consulting Services Greece 2009 Successfully finished
Rimed - Services for the RIMED Project funded under Interreg MED Programme Inclusive Green Economy Innovation & Competitiveness Assessments - Research, Consulting Services, Education - Information, Networking Actions Cyprus 2009 Successfully finished
Wasman - Provision of technical Services for the implementation of WASMAN project funded under the Interreg MED Programme Inclusive Green Economy Urban Environment Assessments - Research Cyprus, Italy, Slovenia, Spain 2009 Successfully finished
Varkiza - Conduct an Environmental Impact Assessment and support of the process of environmental licensing for the construction and operation of special tourist infrastructure to the beach of Varkiza. Real Estate Development Urban Environment Assessments - Research Greece 2009 Successfully finished
Gipsy - Technical Assistance for the management of the GIPSY project funded under Interreg IIIA Greece-Italy Blue Growth Maritime & Ports Assessments - Research, Consulting Services Greece 2009 Successfully finished
Regioclima - Joint thematic seminar and workshop on Determination of optimal allocation and efficient use of resources in climate change adaptation. Climate Change and Energy Urban Environment Networking Actions Greece 2009 In progress
CoR - Framework Contract from the Committee of the Regions to set up a network of experts in the fields of a. Climate change, energy and trans-European energy networks, b. Sustainable development and environment, including natural resources, civil protection and tourism; c. Maritime issues and fishing, d. Common Agricultural Policy and rural development, e. Consumer protection and public health. Blue Growth, Climate Change and Energy, Inclusive Green Economy Cross – cutting Policy Formulation Support Belgium 2009 Successfully finished
Lakka - Provision of Support Services for the financing of Development Projects in the Municipality of Lakka Souli Real Estate Development Innovation & Competitiveness Assessments - Research, Consulting Services, Education - Information, Networking Actions, Policy Formulation Support Greece 2009 Successfully finished
TEKA - Παροχή υπηρεσιών βάσει του γνωστικού αντικειμένου του αναδόχου. Παροχή υπηρεσιών για οικονομοτεχνικές μελέτες – μελέτες σκοπιμότητας τεχνικών έργων, διαχείρισης έργου και υπηρεσιών, μελέτες βιομηχανικές για προγραμματισμό – σχεδιασμό και λειτουργία. Industry Consulting Services Greece 2008 Successfully finished
Business_plan - Feasibility Study and Two-Year Action Plan for the Welfare Corporation "Saint Tavitha" of Ilioupoli Municipality Real Estate Development Innovation & Competitiveness Consulting Services Greece 2008 Successfully finished
Varkiza - Assessment of the Status of Environmental Resources Available for forming the Free Varkiza Beach Real Estate Development Urban Environment Assessments - Research Greece 2008 Successfully finished
Ilioupoli - Feasibility Study and Two-Year Action Plan for the Welfare Corporation of Municipality of Ilioupoli Innovation & Competitiveness Assessments - Research Greece 2008 Successfully finished
EuropeAid - Διεθνείς συναντήσεις εργασίας ‘EU-Asia Business and Environment Cooperation in LDCs’, Vientiane (Λάος). Inclusive Green Economy Culture & Society Networking Actions Belgium, Laos 2008 Successfully finished
OLKE - Technical Assistance to Corfu Port Authority S.A. to prepare public tenders for works, supplies and services. Real Estate Development Maritime & Ports Consulting Services Greece 2008 Successfully finished
Ilioupoli - Feasibility study for the establishment of an SA company in Municipality of Ilioupoli Innovation & Competitiveness Assessments - Research Greece 2008 Successfully finished
Integration - ‘Resource Conservation City Development Policies and their Effectiveness’. Real Estate Development Urban Environment Policy Formulation Support Germany 2008 Successfully finished
TEKA - Παροχή υπηρεσιών βάσει του γνωστικού αντικειμένου του αναδόχου. Παροχή υπηρεσιών για οικονομοτεχνικές μελέτες – μελέτες σκοπιμότητας τεχνικών έργων, διαχείρισης έργου και υπηρεσιών, μελέτες βιομηχανικές για προγραμματισμό – σχεδιασμό και λειτουργία. Industry Consulting Services Greece 2007 In progress
ArchiMed - Action and Strategic Plan for the sustainability of Cultural Development Employment Centers and the creation of new cultural products in the Eastern Mediterranean Cultural Network, Interreg IIIB ArchiMed. Culture & Society Consulting Services Greece 2007 Successfully finished
Eco-Industrial Parks - Development of Eco-Industrial Parks in the region of Andhra Pradesh, India Inclusive Green Economy Industry Consulting Services Germany, India 2007 In progress
ISO-FLISVOS - Design and development of ISO 9001 & Environmental Management and Quality Management System ISO 14001 for Marina Flisvos. Annual internal audits Inclusive Green Economy Innovation & Competitiveness Consulting Services Greece 2007 Successfully finished
Pelagos - Technical Assistance to the Port of Corfu Authority for the Management of the project PELAGOS, Interreg IIIA Greece-Italy Blue Growth Maritime & Ports Assessments - Research, Consulting Services Greece 2007 Successfully finished
ETPA - Promotion of an Action Plan for the promotion of specific tourist destinations Real Estate Development Tourism Industry Consulting Services Greece 2006 Successfully finished