Project Description

The ADRIFORT project aims at developing a permanent cooperation in management of natural and historical heritage of Adriatic coastal areas. Its main objective is capitalization and introducing new initiatives, appropriate to support authorities in creating a model for preservation and common cross-border management of Fortresses network (fortification facilities) in Adriatic as a common Heritage Strategy as a means of achieving a sustainable socio-economic development in the IPA ADRIATIC Programme.
Description of Provided Services
In the context of the above project, Living Prospects Ltd is responsible for providing support, management and coordination services of all actions and deliverables of the project, which are categorized as follows:- EXTERNAL CONSULTANT ACTIONS
- WORK PACKAGE 1: Cross-border Project Management and Coordination
- Action 1.3: Project Management
- WORK PACKAGE 3: Creation of a unified governance system for the maintenance and management of monuments in the field of fortifications
- Action 3.4: Design of Guidelines for multilevel governance of fortification facilities
- WORK PACKAGE 5: Elimination of restrictions to funding
- Action 5.1: Developing of a base of alternative financing channels
- Action 5.2: Creation of an investment evaluation tool in the area of cultural monuments re-use
- WORK PACKAGE 6: Creation of a cross-border network for the preservation and management of the fortifications that are natural and cultural monuments in Adriatic region.
- Action 6.3: Developing of a common action to inform local communities about the business opportunities that may arise through the use of fortification monuments
- WORK PACKAGE 1: Cross-border Project Management and Coordination
- WORK PACKAGE 2: Communication and Promotion
- Action 2.2: Implementation of project promotion events
- WORK PACKAGE 3: Creation of a unified governance system for the maintenance and management of monuments in the field of fortifications
- Action 3.1: Elaboration of a comparative analysis of the participatory processes followed in the regions involved on the decision-making on cultural heritage management.
- Action 3.3: Implementation of pilot actions for a multi-level/ governance plan of cultural heritage
- WORK PACKAGE 2: Communication and Promotion