Project Description
The Framework Contract with the Committee of the Regions (CoR) aims to provide various types of expertise in order to support its services in analytical work, research and planning, which cover the priorities of its policies which fall under the responsibility of Natural Resources Commission (NAT): Common Agricultural Policy, rural development, public health, common fisheries policy, policy on maritime affairs, food production, consumer protection, forestry, civil protection, tourism. The plan provides CoR with a network of experts who have the ability to react quickly and therefore allows for wider consultation with local and regional authorities, offers CoR the possibility of elaborating specific opinions on topics of its interest and enables it to draw knowledge generated by research centers or universities in the evaluation of policies. Working with NAT includes the preparation of analytical documents of policies and summaries, impact assessments and reports on the abovementioned priorities and the organization of conferences and events.
Description of Provided Services
Part of the project is the provision of scientific and legal services, documentation services and writing documents. Beyond the consultant role of specialists, aid is provided to the Commission services during the preparation of reports, newsletters and documents of various kinds on the whole range of issues covered by the political activities of the Committee of the Regions. Particularly, among others, the actions include:- processing of policies analysis documents and summaries
- research on the impacts
- preparation of reports
- organization of conferences and events