Project Description

The project refers to the organization of events - networking meetings (networking events) to support the successful implementation of projects financed by the SWITCH program - ASIA. The project was implemented in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia with the participation of EU representatives, Unit Networking (Networking Facility) SWITCH-Asia program, representatives of the implemented projects and experts. Main objective of the event was to gather representatives from projects of the SWITCH-ASIA program for knowledge sharing and constructive discussions towards support of ongoing projects and improvement of the program in general.

Description of Provided Services

The services undertaken and provided during the project are:
  • Assessment of the necessary technical documents for the creation of the agenda of the meeting and provision of information to other experts that were working for the same meeting and purpose.
  • Cooperation with other experts in adjusting the final details of the program and methodology before the start of the event.
  • Obtaining information from other experts before the start of the meeting in Kuala Lumpur and information - adaptation of the methodology that was designed.
  • Facilitating the parallel workshops, in accordance with the methodology agreed with other experts.
  • Detailed description of findings and proposals of the workshops.