Project Description

The project refers to the investigation of parameters related to soil quality, quantity of water resources, characteristics of plant formations and the beach / shoreline. The ultimate goal is the formulation of conclusions for possible restrictions on the projected facilities as well as the formulation of suggestions for the exploitation of the available environmental resources, which will be associated with and will feed into the proposals of other studies on the formation of the beach of Varkiza.

Description of Provided Services

In order to implement the project, Living Prospects performed the following actions:
  • Autopsy of the study area
  • Conduct environmental measurements and measuring concentrations of heavy metals and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in soil. For the analysis of samples and drawing conclusions about the type and degree of pollution of the area, the company collaborated with the HCMR and the Athens University Chemistry Laboratory.
  • Elaboration of the Environmental Resources Status Report on the beach of Varkiza.