Project Description

The study "Promotion Action Plan for the promotion of specific tourist destinations” was conducted in the context of ERDF preparation and maturation studies by the Ministry of Tourism for the programming period 2007-2013 (Min. Of Tourism / Critias SA).

Description of Provided Services

The purpose of this project was the elaboration of a case study, including all the following actions:
  • Address the investigation and record the existing legal and institutional framework as well as the relevant mechanisms and procedures regarding the Greek landscape as a tourism product.
  • Record the existing legal and institutional framework as well as the relevant mechanisms and procedures regarding the relation of the Greek landscape and tourism with the renewable energy production facilities.
  • Define the axes for a complete system of protection and enhancement of the landscape, including the legal and institutional framework, regarding the relation of the Greek landscape and tourism with renewable energy production facilities.
  • Guidance on the development of relevant mechanisms and procedures, regarding the relation of the Greek landscape and tourism with renewable energy production facilities.
  • Drawing up specifications and design and planning guidelines, regarding the relation of the Greek landscape and tourism with renewable energy production facilities.