Project Description

The WASMAN project “Waste Management as Policy Tools for Corporate Governance" was funded under the Interregional Cooperation Interreg MED 2007 – 2013” Programme. The project aims to promote cooperation and dissemination of good practices at transnational level among Mediterranean countries in the field of waste management, taking into account the specific problems of each region. Also, the project objectives aim at helping municipalities to develop a more efficient Municipal Solid Waste Management System and to strengthen local economies by adopting cost incentives in the productive process.
Description of Provided Services
Provision of services for the implementation of WASMAN project funded under the Interreg MED:- Support services for the administration and financial administration of the project and the submission of Activity and Financial Reports
- Report on the current situation in the Mediterranean on the management of municipal solid waste (state of the art report),
- Elaboration of reports for the implementation of work package for the project communication (communication component - website, communication plan, dissemination material, events),
- Implementation of reports for waste management schemes (waste management partnerships component),
- Implementation of reports for the development of pilot actions and decision tools (development of paradigms and decision tools component),
- Implementation of reports for the pilot actions-solutions for local businesses (pilot actions - solutions for local enterprises component).
Project Video Gallery