Development and Environmental Planning Consultant, graduated from the Department of Environment of the Aegean University with specialization in Urban Planning - Regional Planning (MSc in Planning studies) at the University of Oxford Brookes. He has over fifteen years of experience in environmental, development and spatial planning, environmental impact assessment and training. During his professional experience, he has supported several local authorities and central government in development and environmental planning. Having worked as a freelancer for the EU and particularly through his involvement with programs launched by the DG Environment and External Cooperation (Europeaid), he has formed a complete overview of European policies on the environment, regional development and spatial planning. He has worked for local government and agencies on sustainable development (Habitat Agenda) and integrated design (sustainability indicators). Through his involvement in projects and programmes of the 2nd and 3rd Community Support Framework (CSF), management of programmes and projects financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and the European Social Fund (ESF), as well as the active participation in preparation for the 4th programming period (in collaboration with local authorities and their development companies), he has gained important knowledge and experience on the institutional framework, funding tools and the entire state of implementation of development projects in Greece and the wider European Union. As General Manager of Living Prospects Ltd (2007-2015), he had managed numerous international projects in the fields of development, environment and maritime transport (ports, marinas). He has considerable experience in organizing international high prestige events and has comfort in communication and collaboration with stakeholders and executives abroad and particularly of the Mediterranean and Balkan countries. He has also gained considerable experience in managing projects that have been implemented by Port Authorities with activities linked to the provision of technical consultancy services. In addition he has also involved in projects requiring ISO 9001 & Environmental Management ISO 14001. He has extremely wide experience in management and implementation of projects that fall under the Territorial Cooperation Programme IPA Adriatic 2007-2013, the Interreg Greece-Italy 2007-2013 and the Life+ Programme. He is an excellent user of English (Level C2, holder of Proficiency and postgraduate degree obtained in Great Britain), independent user of French (Level B1, holder of Certificat de langue francais), independent user of Italian (level B1) and excellent computer user (touch- typing, software (Office, CorelSuite) and Operating Systems (Linux, Ms Windows)).
Alexander Charalambous
Senior Partner, MSc Environmental PlannerSenior Partner