Project Description

ADRION project, funded under the INTERREG IIIA Greece – Italy Programme, aims at the creation of an integrated joint information system for Greece – Italy routes at ports of Patras, Igoumenitsa and Corfu, as well as the implementation of a telematics system at the port of Brindisi and a Logistics Marketplace system at the port of Bari.

Description of Provided Services

Provision of Technical Advisory Services to Corfu Port Authority SA for the management of ADRION project funded under the Interreg IIIA Greece-Italy Programme. Living Prospects worked directly with the management and the executives of O.L.KE. SA for the preparation of project management reports, as well as for checking the eligibility of expenditure. The reports were prepared by Living Prospects. The deliverables included seven Progress Reports and the Final Report. Executives form Living Prospects Ltd provided support to O.L.KE. in the implementation of project activities, including documentation linkded with physical and financial activities.