Project Description

The BIO-OLEA project (Utilization of biophenols from Olea Europea products - Olives, virgin olive oil and olive mill waste water) funded by the EU under the European Territorial Cooperation Programme Greece-Italy 2007-2013, aims at improving the quality and competitiveness of oil seeds, the conversion of waste, from the process of olives, on value products and providing solutions on issues related to the olive industry.
Description of Provided Services
The provided services include monitoring of the project implementation, elaboration of reports (interim - final) and financial and administrative support of the management of the BIOOLEA project, for actions related to the region of Ionian Islands as well as the provision of technical and scientific support. Specifficaly, the provided services enclose:- Support of the management and preparatory actions
- Elaboration of the project progress reports and the final report
- Financial Monitoring of the project and support for the preparation of financial reports
- Preparation of technical and scientific meetings and conferences
- Contact with the project’s lead partner