Project Description
EASY CONNECTING project was designed and developed aiming at strengthening cooperation of the entire IPA Adriatic Programme area, to find common solutions for the improvement of freight transport infrastructures and services. The project aims to implement new European transport policies focusing on the main routes of commercial transportation and their efficient management, including all key stakeholders, by providing incentives for the role of ports and logistics in order to develop platforms and find effective solutions for security and environment. Moreover, the EASY-CONNECTING project is an experimental tool to support the Adriatic and Ionian area, stimulating debate and advisory services on key priorities in the transport of goods in the next programming period. Operators of public and private organizations are the main beneficiaries. As regards the project partnership, the program aims at involving all countries covered by the IPA Adriatic European Territorial Cooperation Programme, in order to ensure wider dissemination of project results.
Description of Provided Services
Provision of technical support for the implementation of actions listed under the Work Package 7, of the IPA Adriatic 2007-2013 «EUROPE-ADRIATIC SEA-WAY FREIGHT-EASYCONNECTING» project, namely:- Implementation of OLKE S.A.’s actions and tasks listed under Action 7.1, according to the recommendations of the Lead Partner and the responsible partner of this WP.
- Support the implementation of actions and obligations of OLKE SA listed under Action 7.2, and specifically provision of technical support for the preparation of the technical pilot project (creating a new node within the land area of the port to facilitate safe movement of goods and passengers), and for the risk assessment and evaluation of the project.