Project Description
The "RegioClima" - Regional Cooperation Towards Adaptation to Climate Change project – funded under the Interreg IVc Program, has the overall objective to support the adaptation of European regions to climate change through local (regional) strategies and actions. The project aims to help local communities to adapt to new climatic conditions, by minimizing the risk of damage and also taking advantage of new opportunities arising from a changing climate. The objectives of the proposed actions can be summarized as follows:
- To strengthen cooperation between selected Regions of the EU to allow planning adaptation strategies to climate change, and the implementation of appropriate policy guidelines.
- To assist the Regional Authorities to understand the opportunities and threats posed by a changing climate.
- To develop within the Regional Authorities measures supporting the capacity to adapt to climate change.
- To coordinate regional and local initiatives at national and European (EU) level.
- To support regional and local authorities to raise awareness of local communities and implement measures for adapting to climate change.
The project activities aim at four areas: project management, communication and promotion, exchange of experience and policy formulation.