Project Description

The project "Without borders for the good manager" (BG051РО001-7.0.07-0187-С0001), included in OP Human Resources Development 2007-2013, co-financed by the European Social Fund. The main objective of the project is to promote social cohesion and growth of the social economy in coastal communities - resorts provide opportunities for the development of entrepreneurship, taking into consideration the vulnerable social groups (women, youth, Roma) and enhancing the knowledge and skills of the administrative staff of small and medium-sized hotels, aiming to an efficient administration and development of businesses, producing innovative models and good practices in tourism management and hospitality services
Description of Provided Services
The provided services included the Assessment, the Analysis and the Identification of specific practices, methods, techniques, initiatives in Greece and the EU on the development and implementation of local strategies for areas such as: Employment - Social Integration - Opportunities for Development of Entrepreneurship - Improving Knowledge and Skills of the target groups. Particularly, a study and a presentation was conducted, including good practices and initiatives that took place in Corfu and the EU in order to develop and implement local strategies on employment, social inclusion, entrepreneurship, the development and improvement of knowledge and skills of vulnerable social groups. The study, among other things, included researches and interviews (collection of questionnaires and other documents) with representatives of municipalities and NGOs, local businesses, socio-economic partners, socially vulnerable groups and small hotels.Project Video Gallery